Sunday, December 10, 2006

Brotherly Love

Just a couple pics I snapped of the boys playing on the arm chair. It is very amusing (and rewarding) when they make each other laugh.

Friday, December 01, 2006

My, You Have Big Teeth!

Thanks to eBay, our little snowblower got a big brother today. Believe it or not it made the trip from Innisfail in the back of the Matrix, with a little disassembly. As you can see by this picture, the snow banks are getting high at Chez Anderson and we just flipped the calender to December! For fun I did a feature comparison between the two, to share my excitement and to poke a little fun too. Read about it almost backing over me!

Click Table to Enlarge!

Monday, November 20, 2006

Darrel's Christmas Wish List

more to come... of course anything would have to be coordinated with Kirsten ;)

Monday, October 30, 2006

Hello? I'd like to make a direct call!

Kirsten took this picture of Jack playing telephone. If you look closely you will notice he is trying to place a call on our power bar. I guess if the phone companies now offer internet and cable tv service and the cable companies offer phone service, the electricity companies might as well get in on it and offer phone service as well. FOPB? (Voice Over Power Bar) Posted by Picasa

Thursday, October 26, 2006

My wife Loves me

Me: Hey Hon, this is a tesla turbine.

Kirsten: What's that?

Me: [Detailed explanation...blah, blah blah... spins on air up to 15,000 rpm]

Kirsten: What's it good for?

Me: Well nothing really... and since it spins at such a high rpm, when something lets loose it is kinda catastrophic... I think I will build one!

Kirsten (chuckling): I love you.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Word of the Day: Tasty!

It is very rewarding when a child that is learning to talk first repeats a new word. Today Jack learned the word "tasty" while helping kirsten make supper. mmmmmm, tasty.... Posted by Picasa

Monday, October 16, 2006

On the Road AGAIN!

Its Monday night and we are doing the final packing for the move to our new house in Bon Accord. We have had our house for a couple weeks now and we have done some painting and cleaning, but we are finally moving starting Thurday night. My sister Lara and her family (Dean and Aidan) graciously offered to come on Saturday to help us! If you don't hear from us for a couple days, you know what we are doing. I have been teaching Jack to call Eric "Bubba" which is short for Baby Brother since he loves "B" words like "Baby" and "Ball".

For old times sake, here is a picture of Jack when we moved into our first house when he was 6 weeks old. See you in a couple days...

Sunday, October 01, 2006

It All Begins (Handy Jack)

Yesterday Jack and I bought an old metal detector at a garage sale for $10. To change the battery, you have to take out 4 screw to open the case. Jack, of course, was extreemly "interested" and wouldn't keep his fingers out, so I got him to help. I would give him one of the screws, point at a hole, he would put it in, and I would apply the screw driver. My mom tells me I took a mop apart when I was 2 years old. If Jack can put in screws at 20 months and is actually encouraged and instructed on how to take things apart and build things, what kind of a monster garage could I foster???? I am very scared and intrigued at the same time. Remember boys, if they don't find you handsome they should at least find you handy...

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Songs of Chairman Mao Come To My Mailbox!

So I wanted the Matt Nathanson CD and I couldn't find it here or even buy it on the Canadian iTunes. Luckily I found it on eBay for a decent price. Today it came and to my surprise it was shipped from China! I looked it over very closely and I can't find any evidence that it is counterfeit... Weird world we live in when you buy a CD for $10 and it comes from half-way around the world... Some cool stamps too!
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Fire Station #1

Here are a few pics from work. This is one of the fire trucks I got to ride on, the fire pole I slid down and the Fire Station where my office is on the 3rd floor. Not something I thought I would be involved in a couple months ago!

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Friday, July 28, 2006


Here are some pics from our mini-trip to Jasper. Eric was already 4 days old and he hadn't seen any sights yet!

This is Pocahontas. Can you see the face looking up?

The mandatory shot of Mountain sheep...

We took the gondola up near the top of the mountain

Jack and I hiked 3/4 of the way up from the gondola to the summit but after and hour of carrying Jack, we had enough.

More pics on Kirsten's blog

Sunday, July 23, 2006

Announcing Eric Ian Anderson

We are proud to annouce the birth of Eric Ian Anderson, born July 22, 2006 at 8:46 Am. He weighed 8 lb 3.4 oz and was 20 inches long. Both baby and mom are doing great and are resting at home.

Friday, June 23, 2006

Date Night: Fishing!

Carey and I took our wives on a guided fishing evening on the Red River for a date night. Brenda, who has never fished before, naturally caught the first couple fish and was the least likely to handle any fish as you can see by the 5th pic. To be fair, Kirsten snapped the picture just as the fish flipped in the guides hands and Brenda jumped back ;)

Our guide Neil McMullin [] was awesome! We all caught a number of fish, with Carey catching the most at 13, twice he caught 2 at a time!

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Thursday, June 22, 2006

A subtle change

My good bud Grant has gotten himself into photgraphy in the past year. Got himself a decent camera and done some cool stuff.. check it out at and

Anyhow, I stole one of his pics (top one) and played with it to get the bottom two. I call it interpretive art, you call it plagerism...

Saturday, June 10, 2006

Assiniboine Valley Railroad

Today we rode the Assiniboine Valley Railroad which is just 5 blocks from our house.
You may remember us talking about it last christmas, we decided to ride it in the summer time before we leave Winnipeg.

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Saturday, May 06, 2006


We went to Narisse, Manitoba today to see the snakes! Aprox 80,000 red sided garter snakes winter in 4 limestone caves. This time of year they are coming out to mate. Click on the pics to see a larger, more detailed version!