Sunday, August 19, 2007

Fall Down-Go Boom

Tonight Jack took a tumble and cut below his nose on the coffee table. Here are a couple pics of Jack with his band-aid, the first one with him pointing to here he hit the table and the second won with him smiling post trauma. Charlie Chaplin eat your heart out.

And just for fun a picture of my new hair cut. Though truth be known, it only stood up like that on the first day. I thought I would try out the "crooner" pose.

Saturday, August 04, 2007


Our new computer arrived today. If you hadn't heard, our old one was getting flaky and it was 6 years old after all.

I am pictured holding the monitor, our first flat screen. With the particular model we got, the 22" wide-screen was the smallest offered. So far we love it. I thought the case was kinda cool too.

Now just to transfer ALL the files and reload ALL the software... At least I have the new and old computers on a network so the pain will be only moderate.
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