Sunday, March 11, 2007

Water in the Basement

On Thursday Jack discovered water coming down the basement wall! After some moving of stuff and using the shop vac we got it contained but we really didn't want to repeat the process the next day when melting resumed! Vapour barrier plastic siliconed to the wall and gathering into a bucket. I used a heat gun to dry the wall after the wall stopped dripping at night so that the silicon would stick. this worked awesome except that the next day water was coming in at about 3 gallons an hour so we had to be continually checking and emptying the bucket!

The next night I added the "indoor eaves through" by cutting 2" abs plastic pipe lengthwise and silconing it to the wall. Originally I attached a hose directly to the pipe to drain it, but it wouldn't start draining unless I got a siphon going, argh!So if you have ever launched water rockets with me, you will recognize the parts... I then used my launcher as a glorified funnel. Water collects in the cut off pop bottle until enough weight accumulates to start the flow through the hose, then it all drains and the cycle starts over again.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Custom Antenna

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A couple months ago some unnamed child broke the antenna off our radio. Since the antenna has been mis-placed so today I added the first metal thing I found to approximate an antenna. Looks kinda industrial artsy huh?

Thursday, March 01, 2007


Apparently the LeBaron didn't like being called "a good little workhorse". The next Friday the timing belt went and in the process of fixing it I discovered the cam was going too... Oh well, all fixed now. I hope I didn't just jinx it!